
Premium Bath Sand

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Premium Chinchilla Bath Sand - This fine sand is produced right here in New Zealand thanks to our many handy (though thankfully mostly dormant!) volcanos and has the same texture as the volcanic sand/ash chinchillas encounter in their wild habitat.

This sand has been tried and tested by many chinchillas and is much loved, especially after being frozen or refrigerated for 5 to 10 minutes on a hot summers day!

This sand is fine but coarse enough that it won’t get stuck in your chins eyes or ears & can’t be breathed in, I have also had reports that this sand easier for chin owners with allergies/hay fever to cope with so not only safe for your pet but for you too!

There are many theories as to the frequency of baths needed by pet chinchillas, we recommend that, as chinchillas in the wild have 24/7 access to their “sand bath” pet chinchillas should be given a daily bath, for at least 10 minutes.

This product can also be used for a Rabbit dig-box, Rabbits also enjoy chilling and rolling/burying themselves in this sand on warm summer days. Birds also enjoy an occasional dust bath as a deterent for mites and other external parasites; poultry, and other birds that have regular access to the outdoors, should have regular dust baths.

Also available by request, "boosted" option designed for assisting healing for chins with fungal infections or poultry with a propensity for mite/lice infestations (as a deterent only, not a treatment).

Suitable for: Rabbits, Chinchillas, Birds.